Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ke garne?

If there is no school to work with the students there is no school...
And if there is no power to charge laptop or cell phones there is no power...
Even if the main path in Serachaur village turned into a strong river after the last rain fall... there is nothing you can change about that fact!

It is what it is. So no need to get all annoyed about it. Well that's what a Nepali person would answer you. The Nepali solution facing whatever problem is: "What is there to do?" (in Nepali language: "Ke garne?")

And it's actually pretty simple. The sad feelings about something gone wrong will never help you from now. For a Nepali person it's all about the present & the future. That is what you can still control, can always control. Living in a community that is structuring all its life around this saying can sure offer you a new thrilling insight. Facing loads of daily power cuts did help us come closer to and understand this special way of meeting life.

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